Thursday, August 4, 2011

Apricot Preserves

We harvested a number of pounds of apricots from our tree in the backyard recently. Apricots have a very short season and shelf life so it's good to have ways to quickly utilize them and preserve them. Visit the California apricot web site to find out more information about California apricots.

I decided to try my hand at apricot preserves. I did some searching online and ended up borrowing heavily from this site. Not being a big sugar fan, I like how this particular recipe is lighter on the sugar than other recipes. I also like my preserves with chunks of the fruit. So in my version, I added the apricots in waves of thirds. The longer they cook, the more they will reduce down. So by doing them in thirds, I am going for a mix of pure jam along with some nice chunks of fruit.

Apricot Preserves
  • 20-30 fresh apricots
  • 1 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 Tbs fresh lemon juice
  • Melt the sugar and water in an enameled cast iron pot or other non-reactive pot and bring to a boil until clear and syrupy.
  • Meanwhile, cut the washed apricots in half discarding the pits.
  • As you cut up the first third of the apricots, add them to the sugar mixture and stir to coat them. The fire should be on medium low so that the apricots cook down but it should not be bubbling.
  • Add in another third of the apricots when they are ready. Stir frequently.
  • Add in the final third. Stir until they are reduced but still chunky. Total cooking time will be an hour or more.
  • Add in the lemon juice and stir.
Sterilize some jars and add the preserves following proper sanitary canning techniques.

I can't yet say how it tastes. I put them in the pantry to enjoy later.

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