Saturday, August 30, 2008

Staged photos

Once our remodel was finished our designer hired a professional photographer to take some shots for her portfolio. We recently got copies of the photos. These are just a few of the shots they took. She and the photographer spent the day here staging and shooting our place. They arrived early in the morning and that evening when we came home and everything seemed to be in its original place. In addition, we got to keep the staged food that they brought in (lemons, limes, flowers, assorted vegetables, the canteloupe "brunch meal" that you see). While everything was back in its place when we came home, we can see that they were quite busy moving furniture around.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Recent Harvest

We went out back this last week and harvested lots of peaches, green beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, a yellow onion, and a zucchini.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Return from Vacation

Here's what happens when you go away for a few weeks. Our house sitter managed to harvest most of the zucchini before they got out of hand but when we returned we found one monster zuc that had escaped detection. The monster zuc is just under 2 feet long and 18" in circumference.

Yellow onions also came up. We found 8 harvested onions in our refrigerator. There are more in the garden ready for picking.

We completely missed the apricots. They were all picked and waiting for us. They were a bit old but still tasted much better than the tasteless ones you get in the supermarkets.

One bell pepper was ready and more are on the way. The peach tree and the tomato plants are loaded but not yet ripe.

Last night's dinner featured all home-grown roasted vegetables: onions, zucchini, and bell pepper.